If you would like, you can order a new ATOS glider now and pay only a deposit until the wing is completed. This could be a useful way of spreading the cost. You will be expected to pay the balance in full on collection or prior to delivery. Manufacturing time will depend on the time of year, and may be several months during the peak season. Please contact us for more details.
How to order a new glider with a deposit.
Remember the deposit will NOT be refunded if you change your mind.
Thus it makes sense to only order your glider after you have decided that you are sure you would like to buy one. You will need to decide on your glider model, upgrade options and the colours. However getting a slot booked means that you will get your glider sooner. Things can get very busy in spring so make sure you book early.
Can I book a slot now and decide final details later?
You can book a slot now and work out the fine details later. This way you will get in the queue so your glider arrives as soon as possible. If spring is approaching the order book can suddenly extend by months. We can discus the options that you would like most once you have ordered. This can be less pressing than getting in the queue.
When is the best time to order a new ATOS?
This is of course as soon as you decide you would like one. However there are other things to consider:
The ATOS is priced in Euros so the exchange rate is important in that it can make a difference to the price that you pay. (The prices for AIR Atos on this site are for a guide only.) If the exhcange rate is the best its been for ages perhaps now is the time to pay the bulk of the money. If not perhaps pay a deposit and hope the exchange rate moves in your favour before delivery. (You can pay Avian in Euro if you like but most pay in Sterling and we can get very competitive exchange rates.)
October and November are good months to order as Avian usually try to organise special offers at this time of year and can guarantee a good delivery time as far as spring is concerned. However don't delay as once the order books are full for the new year there are seldom any offers.
Delivery waiting times can change very fast. It's not surprising really. The first signs of spring are what prompt many to think of a new glider. The trouble is most have the same idea and spring does not always come first in the UK. Thus a week of good weather can result in a massive increase in waiting times for a new ATOS. Two months of orders really can arrive just like that and it can be frustrating. So if you are sure you would like a rigid, don't leave booking too late. We want you to be at cloudbase as soon as possible.